Traditional games and sports as unesco's in-tangible cultural heritage facing tourist strategies.
The UNESCO list of declared Intangible Cultural Heritage includes different games and traditional sports. This is used by the driving countries as an opportunity to show their richness and cultural diversity, as well as its consideration, respect and preservation. Thus, the recognition of these practices is associated with the importance of the country, the local-national culture and the international image of the country that hosts them. Also, in line with the tourism strategies deployed during the last decades, these intangible cultural goods are conceived as a potential of significant value. In this regard, this heritage takes part of a large part of regional or national tourism promotion and development policies. Its treatment as an important cultural diacritic. This communication aims to show some provisory thoughts from an ongoing investigation how the relationship between this intangible cultural heritage and regional or national tourism strategies carried out is articulated. To do this, we will carry out a content analysis of different web pages of both companies and private corporations, as well as public bodies responsible for tourism promotion.
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