Olive oil industrial heritage and tourist development. state-of-the-art
The olive oil industrial heritage is being increasingly transformed into tourist resources all over the world. These industrial goods are often considered unique buildings, which can help the sustainable development of the territory and the economic progress of rural areas. They also contribute to preserving local culture, traditions, ancestral recipes or intangible heritage related to olive oil. These buildings are in different landscapes where have to be interpreted in the context of the heritage they take part of. This paper aims to broaden the knowledge related to olive oil industrial heritage and tourist activity. We have focused on a theoretical perspective based on a broad review of the literature in this regard. The results which have been achieved, helped us to deepen this issue from a conceptual point of view. Besides that, it was provided to tourism managers the opportunity to enhance the tourism development of a territory based on the olive oil industrial heritage. Key values were detected for this heritage, such as the current use of its facilities, their conservation, their identity, authenticity, traditions, technological changes, education or the history of the place where they are located.
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