Rural sustainability: utopia or reality? the case of the 'caminhada do lampião (the walko of the lampion)' in alvoco da serra, portugal

  • Anabela Sardo
  • José Alexandre Martins
  • Zaida Pinto Ferreira
  • Gina Brito
Keywords: Tourism, Culture, Nature, Sustainability, Events, Portugal


This article aims to present the case of the set of activities called 'A Caminhada do Lampião', which takes place in a village in the region of Serra da Estrela in Portugal.

Thus, we have tried to check how these events, with historical and cultural roots, whose importance has been increasing since the first edition, fit the contemporary perspective of integrated tourism, which considers tourism as one of the aspects that may benefit and encourage the development of rural areas by marketing it. On the other hand, we have investigated to what extent they are planned and developed based on the concept of tourist activities as alternatives to traditional economic activities, which allow to supplement or even constitute income for families and, in general, give more life to a rural, depopulated and, often, depressed interior area. It was also researched how the 'Caminhada do Lampião’' has valued the local resources, products and traditions, providing means for their preservation and protection. It was also analysed whether the realization of these tourist activities led to the improvement of infrastructures and services for visitors, from which local communities can also benefit, improving their standard of life and the sustainability of rural spaces.

In order to achieve these objectives, the methodology used was focused on bibliographic research, secondary data collection and the semi-structured interview process.

It has been concluded that the ‘Caminhada do Lampião’' perfectly combines the concepts of Culture, Nature and Tourism, proving to be an aggregating event with enormous potential for the sustainability of the territory where it takes place.



Author Biographies

Anabela Sardo

Polytechnic of Guarda (IPG)/

Research Unit for Inland Development (UDI)

José Alexandre Martins

Polytechnic of Guarda (IPG)/

Center for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CITUR)

Zaida Pinto Ferreira

Polytechnic of Guarda (IPG)/

Center for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation (CITUR)

Gina Brito

Polytechnic of Guarda (IPG)/

 Chairman of the Parish Council of Alvoco da Serra


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How to Cite
Sardo, A., Martins, J. A., Ferreira, Z. P., & Brito, G. (2019, December 10). Rural sustainability: utopia or reality? the case of the ’caminhada do lampião (the walko of the lampion)’ in alvoco da serra, portugal. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(4), 382-403. Retrieved from