Pueblos mágicos: economic and local development analysis on the touristic impact
the impact on the local development of the municipalities of the State of Querétaro, in Mexico, which obtained the title of "Pueblos Mágicos". This research is relevant because when the locality has received the designation, the expectation is that it will regain impulse and may grow both economically and socially, however, the reality that they face is not always what is expected. The objective was to determine the social, cultural and economic impact on the residents (locally and regionally), in order to evaluate the cost - benefit of being named as "Pueblo Mágico". A mixed study was carried out, predominantly qualitative and quantitative, stratified and non-probabilistic, with in-depth interviews with locals who have a business linked to tourism. Among the results, it can be observed that the development in the locality is not equitable, mainly due to the lack of regulations as well as the lack of synergy between the governmental environment and the local community, so development is not directed towards the real needs of the population.
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