Cultural tourism for all: experiences in bairr` art social project in the municipallity of loulé

  • Ana Rodrigues University of Algarve
  • Sandra Vaz University of Algarve
  • Manuela Rosa University of Algarve
  • Efigénio Rebelo University of Algarve
Keywords: Accessible and cultural tourism, social tourism, social inclusion, educative territories, sustainable local development


The accessible and cultural tourism for all have an important impact in social territorial cohesion, as confirmed by the “Bairr´ art” social project, implemented since 2015, by the Municipality of Loulé, thought the Health and Social Cohesion Division. Pretend to be a community development project,looking solutions to the complexity of social problems, focusing on the social housing’s residents of Loulé municipality. Besides de leisure activities, Bairr´ art project proposes tours through the Loulé municipally territory, providing cultural experiences and pedestrian walks activities thought touristic routes with heritage and landscape value. Thus, people are developing heritage experiences in their own territories.
The methodology applied in this work consists in a literature review about heritage, cultural tourism, senior tourism, social inclusion and educational territory. To obtain data it was made a satisfaction survey to the tours participants. Also it was applied exploratory non participative observation, relatively to the participant’s behavior during these tours.
This study aims to demonstrate the importance of the cultural accessible tourism for the social development of the territory. The originality of this work is the demonstration that the social inclusion processes can also be triggered through cultural and accessible tourism, having, thus, an educational role and also promoting social welfare. This project could be considered an instrument that promotes the objectives of the UN Agenda 2030 goals: non poverty, good health, well-being, and the sustainable and inclusive cities and communities. Thereby, the accessible and cultural tourism can contribute to a sustainable and socio-urban development.

Author Biography

Ana Rodrigues, University of Algarve

University of Algarve


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, A., Vaz, S., Rosa, M., & Rebelo, E. (2019, October 3). Cultural tourism for all: experiences in bairr` art social project in the municipallity of loulé. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research, 2(4), 216-237. Retrieved from