Community-based tourism from the experiential approach: a way of tourist's participation with local communities
Community-based tourism has been promoted as a mean of social, environmental and economic development for local communities. However, its importance for the improvement of their quality of life, community-based tourism also constitutes a type of tourism that provides tourism experiences for visitors. It offers contact with local communities and their way of life. Despite this, little is known about community-based tourism from the current experiential approach of tourism, given that their characteristics and the offer associated can satisfy the new experiential necessities of tourists. This research presents a study carried out in the context of community-based tourism in Ecuador, where the tourism activities offered by the community tourism initiatives of this country were identified. These activities were also classified by type of activity and subsequently analyzed for determine the experientiality of each of them. The results indicate that community tourism centers in Ecuador offer activities related to culture, nature, gastronomy and agritourism. In turn, these have a high experiential component by providing tourists with different types of experiences such as entertainment, esthetic, educational and escapist.
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